The Joys of Adopting a Cat: From a Kitty’s Point of View!
Ah yes, the pure pleasures of adopting a cat. Introducing us furry companions into your life could very well be the best decision you ever make. Why, you ask? Well, sit back, fetch me that Happy Snack by FELIWAY in the cupboard, and let this wise feline enlighten you. After all, if anyone can list the many, many, many qualities that make cats so great, it’s going to be a cat!
Unconditional Love
First things first, we cats are known for our unconditional love and companionship. Well, I say unconditional, but a little extra Happy Snack by FELIWAY never hurts, does it?
When you adopt a cat, you’re welcoming a new member into your family. We’ll often be with you into our teens thanks to improved diets and veterinary healthcare. Imagine: years of my delightful presence!

And though you might associate us cats with independence and aloofness, this may not be entirely accurate. We cats can actually be very affectionate to our humans. Just remember that each cat is different and that we don’t show our affection in the same way humans do. We might not always want to cuddle on your lap, but we’ll find our own cosy spot nearby and that’s our way of enjoying your company.
Mental and Physical Health Benefits
Now, onto one of the bigger benefits of having a cat. Did you know that stroking a cat has been shown to improve mood and well-being? That’s right, my purring and your petting create a harmonious symphony together, helping humans to feel calm and even reduce blood pressure and heart rate. Who knew a little fur could do so much?
Remember, when I’m relaxed, you feel relaxed too – we all win! And as for keeping me as happy as can be, why not check out a few of our previous articles on the matter? We’ve got everything covered, from providing the right number of resources to creating a positive environment for a cat’s mental health with FELIWAY Optimum.
Social Perks
Not only does adopting a kitten or cat keep any feelings of loneliness at bay, but it also turns out that simply having a cat might make you more likeable. Well, sort of. It’s thought that having positive feelings about your feline companion may also help you to have positive and trusting feelings towards other people, which in turn helps them to like you back.
Is it my non-judgmental presence or my discerning gaze? Who’s to say? All I know is that the benefits of having a cat are as wide and varied as the range of antics I can perform with a simple cardboard box.
Life Lessons from a Cat
And speaking of cardboard boxes, that leads me to yet another perk of adopting a cat. Have you ever witnessed exactly how much fun a cat can have with a basic piece of cardboard? It truly is a lesson in appreciating the simple things in life.
Of course, it’s no secret that we felines love to play. It satisfies my natural predatory instincts while providing you with endless entertainment. And by playing together, we can discover our favourite toys and games, which helps to strengthen our bond.
No cardboard boxes lying around? Fear not. Check out our other fun ideas for playing with us kitties at home.
Little Space, No Problem!
No matter the size of your home, it can be a kingdom to us cats. We love exploring vertical spaces, so a few strategically placed shelves or climbing trees can turn your home into a cat haven. Whether you live in a flat or a mansion, we’re the ideal pet for all situations.
We really are the gift that keeps on giving.

Feline Lifesavers
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Not only is this cat super intelligent, helpful, and caring, but he’s also really humble and modest.” Right? Well, forgive me for a moment, but it’s time I bragged a little.
Did you know that cats can be real-life heroes? There are numerous stories of cats just like me who have saved their humans from various dangers. Take Zebby, the self-taught ‘hearing cat’, who helps his deaf owner around the home. Or Jem and Willow, who alert their humans when their blood sugar is high or low. Or how about Billy, who warned his human when she was having a heart attack, or Schnautzie, who alerted her humans to a gas leak?
Of course, I’m not saying that adopting a cat is going to make you invincible. But another set of eyes on the watch for any dangers is no bad thing, right?
The Joy of Making a Difference
Last but not least, adopting a cat from a rehoming centre allows you to give a cat the opportunity to have a safe, positive, enriching time with you! After all, the benefits of having a cat aren’t just for you – it can benefit us cats too. And would you deny us the chance to share the joy of your company?
So, dear human, are you ready to experience the wide array of cat health benefits and the profound pleasure that comes from adopting a kitten or cat? Head down to your nearest rehoming centre and let’s start our journey together. I’ll be settled on the shelf above your desk before you know it, watching over you, my best friend.
Are you interested in adopting a cat into your family? Or do you simply want to learn more about how our cat pheromone diffusers can make a harmonious sanctuary for your kitty? Check out our other blogs or sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date with all the latest info!