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+14 Million

happy cats around the world

+ 25 Years

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Discover ways to help your cat this fireworks season

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Discover the best ever FELIWAY. The most advanced FELIWAY solution to help solve the common signs of stress in cats.

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Happy Snack by FELIWAY

Discover the unique relaxing creamy snack that cats will adore...

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FELIWAY Optimum Starter Kit


FELIWAY Optimum Refill




FELIWAY Cystease


FELIWAY Classic Diffuser


FELIWAY Classic Spray


FELIWAY Friends Diffuser


FELIWAY Classic Refill


FELIWAY Friends Refill



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25 years of expertise

How happy is your cat?

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Is your cat scared of fireworks?

The random loud bangs and hissing noises of fireworks may sound very frightening for your cat - even if they are at a distance. Help them feel safe and secure with FELIWAY Optimum.


Our modern lifestyles sometimes go against the natural needs of our cats (stability, calm, space...). When these needs are not respected it can result in signs of stress.

FELIWAY® Optimum provides a message of enhanced serenity that helps our cats overcome the stresses of modern life, bringing some calmness to your home.

What are cat pheromones for?

To mark their territory, identification of themselves and other cats.

To help a mother cat and her kittens bond.

To send messages of well-being, comfort and security.

To help cats to get along, creating harmony between cats.



Discover the positive experiences of cats who have used FELIWAY

This is Gomette. She is 3 years old and very playful and cuddly. I have a new job and I have to spend more time away. I think she...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
Adopting Cassius: Navigating Transitions and Tensions
cat scratching

Adopting Cassius: Navigating Transitions and Tensions

Cassius Disco was a stray cat. When we adopted him, we quickly became attached to him. But when we moved house, he was very upset by all the construction....
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
Simon is a 4 year old ginger tabby cat. He started spraying urine when he was 2 years old. He mainly urinates on my bed. Sometimes I think that...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
Challenges of Travelling with Bird: A Diva Cat with a Voice
cat travel

Challenges of Travelling with Bird: A Diva Cat with a Voice

Bird is a very funny cat. She communicates a lot, she is a bit of a diva and likes to have things done her way. Travelling with her is...
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FELIWAY Classic Spray
Mewsli was an abandoned cat. The first time we met him, he was tiny and scared. But I fell in love with him. He was very stressed and had...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
Luke is a very independent cat! As I work a lot and am not at home very often, Luke is more of an outdoor cat. When I started spending...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
Risotto has been an anxious little cat since Martin, our son, was born. Risotto meowed every night. Risotto would wake the baby up at 6am, and stop as soon...
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FELIWAY Optimum Starter Kit
Sunny and Star love to scratch at the carpets. There was a time when I spent more time at home, which coincided with the desire to do some work...
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FELIWAY Optimum Starter Kit
Khaleesi & Snow Belle
cat fighting cat spraying

Khaleesi & Snow Belle

Khaleesi, has already had 2 owners. The one from whom we adopted her informed us that his cat was bullying her. As a result, we encountered a few problems...
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FELIWAY Optimum Starter Kit
Successful test for Izarra! I tested FELIWAY Help! during a party with friends last weekend and the test was very conclusive. Izarra, who usually prefers to hide in...
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It took at least three days before Jazz felt confident in his new environment; he had 7 years previous where he had never left the house except for the...
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Garfield | 10 years old
cat spraying

Garfield | 10 years old

Garfield was a particularly anxious cat when we took him in...... and he used to roam the house and urinate everywhere. We then used FELIWAY and within a...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
Prunelle | 3 years old
cat scratching

Prunelle | 3 years old

I have been testing FELIWAY Optimum for a fortnight now. The results on my cat are starting to show. Less agitation and less scratching, especially on the sofa....
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FELIWAY Optimum Starter Kit
Jip & Lizzy
cat fighting

Jip & Lizzy

We have two cats: Jip and Lizzy. They are an integral part of our family. The problem is that Jip kept attacking Lizzy.They were both really looking for...
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FELIWAY Friends Diffuser
Mandy & Jade
cat fighting

Mandy & Jade

The cats Mandy and Jade started fighting, Jennifer looked for solutions and nothing really worked until she tried FELIWAY Friends. Now that they can live happily together in...
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FELIWAY Friends Diffuser
Zira & Dewey
cat fighting

Zira & Dewey

Zira and Dewey are our two cats. When Dewey arrived, Zira was growling and hitting him. It was very stressful. We saw the FELIWAY Friends diffuser online and...
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FELIWAY Friends Diffuser

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